St John's Catholic Primary School Swim Caps

$625 raised


Please support this cause



I recently took part in my school's District Swimming Carnival and I loved cheering on my school mates as they competed in their races. It was however hard to spot each of my school mates while they were swimming, as they didn't have the 'St John's' name or logo displayed on their caps.
My goal is to swim 1 kilometre in one month to raise enough money to buy 50 custom swim caps to be used at future swimming carnivals so we can proudly represent the school and cheer on our school mates!
Thank you for your donation and please share my cause with others to help reach our goal!

Fundraising For

Spencer Depetro

Funds Banked To

Elizabeth Ruth Depetro

Campaign Creator

Spencer Depetro

Heidelberg, VIC

Sat, 8 Apr 2023

Beth Depetro

$ 20

You thought of a way to help your school, bring your community together and challenge yourself - we couldn't be prouder xx love Mum, Dad, Remy & Charlie

Mon, 3 Apr 2023

Sebastian Uliana

$ 20

Amazing work. What a great initiative!

Fri, 24 Mar 2023

Tracey James

$ 10

Well done Spencer!

Sun, 19 Mar 2023

Silvana Micallef

$ 10

Fabulous idea Spencer! Well done!

Sat, 11 Mar 2023

Olivia Aiello

$ 10

Amazing Spencer! I hope you achieve your goal x

Sat, 11 Mar 2023

Rebeykah Jansen

$ 10

Way to go Spencer… well done…

Fri, 10 Mar 2023

Amy Eldridge

$ 5

Great work Spence!!

Fri, 10 Mar 2023

The Millars

$ 10

Just keep swimming Spence… we’ll done buddy x

Thu, 9 Mar 2023

Melissa Lovic

$ 10

Great idea Spencer!!! Hope you reach your goal

Wed, 8 Mar 2023

Kate Mckeag

$ 10

What a little champ! Love that you turned it into a positive situation.

SINCE Mar 2023



$625 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Spencer Depetro

Funds Banked To

Elizabeth Ruth Depetro

Campaign Creator

Spencer Depetro

Heidelberg, VIC

SINCE Mar 2023

