We are Durack and Richard, two regular Australians who hate bullies and injustice. Ukraine is currently experiencing the ultimate form of bullying.
We volunteer here on and near the front, delivering aid to people desperately in need, and evacuating them from danger. We do this alone and also in collaboration with other bona fide groups.
We arrived in Ukraine beginning of September and just wanted to help in a meaningful way. Having done many missions with other groups, we saw how important this help is to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. We felt that opening a crowdfunding campaign for our last couple of months in country would allow us to help on a larger scale and also involve people who genuinely want to help, yet cannot be here personally.
The situation in and around the villages and towns to the east and south is overwhelming. Because of constant bombing and attacks, some of these towns have been without light, gas or water for over 7-8 months. The temperature is dropping day by day, with the first snow already here. This leaves the elderly and children especially vulnerable to sickness and disease.
Houses are damaged, and it's often very difficult for the elderly to leave their homes, so they must stay and try to survive the winter. Many international organizations can't get to these places because of the constant shelling and the damaged roads. These areas rely on groups like ours to bring the necessary and only help.
Roads are damaged at best, often completely destroyed. This takes a huge toll on our vehicle which comes with large overhead maintenance and repair costs as well as fuel which is consistantly $2.30lt.
Since September we have driven over 30,000km;
- delivering 50+ tons of food/water/clothing/medical supplies and various other aid items,
- been through 100+ affected areas,
- combined with other groups to distribute 200+ tonnes of aid in convoy,
- and evacuated van loads of people and entire families from the constant Russian barrage.
Now more than ever, these incredibly brave Ukrainians need our support. Day by day, they fight for their freedom with their lives. We are here, doing what we can. Any support you can provide to keep our mission going into the bitter winter is so gratefully appreciated by us and these amazing people. We are here until mid January and want to make the biggest impact possible before we leave. Please help.
Many, many thanks, Durack, Richard amd Ukraine.
Slava Ukraini ????
All funds will be used for:
-Vehicle maintenance and fuel (allowing us to travel to further affected areas)
-Winter clothing, food and all other essential household items including Christmas presents for children.
Hi - this is a pass through donation from Ben Stott