Building Together

$50 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause



Our school population has tripled in the last year and is expected to grow. Our current modest structure now requires some urgent upgrades and extensions in order for students to remain in school. We work with some of the most vulnerable children who risk abuse and exploitation if they are not empowered with education.

I'm raising funds for


In2EdAfrica Foundation

In2EdAfrica makes education a force to unite, people, places, and cultures for an equitable and sustainable future. By building relationships we create social and systemic impact that ignites a spark and activates purpose, enterprise, and possibility.

About Fundraiser

In2EdAfrica Foundation

Cowandilla, SA

Wed, 9 Nov 2022

Tim Hogben

$ 50

SINCE Nov 2022



$50 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


In2EdAfrica Foundation

In2EdAfrica makes education a force to unite, people, places, and cultures for an equitable and sustainable future. By building relationships we create social and systemic impact that ignites a spark and activates purpose, enterprise, and possibility.

About Fundraiser

In2EdAfrica Foundation

Cowandilla, SA

SINCE Nov 2022

