May's hip replacement

$200 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause



May is 26 years old from Myanmar. Some years ago she was diagnosed with SLE - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. It is the most common form of lupus where the immune system attacks its own tissues and organs. May's illness attacked her skin on her arms aggressively, and she also developed osteoporosis which caused bone loss and fractures in both her hips. The doctors said the osteoporosis is a side effect of the medications she was prescribed.

I met her brother Wai when I was in Thailand over the past few weeks. We got chatting about why he is in Thailand working, and he explained it was to help with his sister's surgery. Her mobility is limited and the surgery will help her walk again properly.

Their dad has barely worked since Covid lockdowns began in Myanmar, and also due to the civil unrest there.

Mai has had one hip replacement (I have images of medical forms, notes, prescriptions, bloodwork, photo of her hips - with one side of metal and screws). They managed to get the money together to pay for the first surgery, but they will need to sell their home to pay for her second surgery to replace her other hip, which is heartbreaking. She will need a 2 month stay in hospital for preperation, operation and recovery.

Wai was only earning the equivalent of around $495AUD for one month of work. We met on day 10 of his job, and he was leaving after working just 20 days to go back and help the family sell the house. After costs to get home, his job would give him approximately $250AUD to contribute. If we can support the this surgery, then he can earn extra for his family.

Being from Australia and having experienced ‘IBS' for a couple of years, currently studying to work in the health industry, and knowing many people who are impacted by autoimmune illnesses, this situation really shook me. We live in a country where we are able to receive operations and surgeries when needed, and we have a good public healthcare system. Her first surgery was around 40,000BHT, but prices have gone up for everything, so let’s aim a little higher to cover the possibility that they may need a bit more to support her recovery. Her surgery is mostly likely at the start of December and they will receive the hospital bill after it. I’m leaving the campaign running until the first week of December.

I felt in my heart that it's right to offer this support, and I want to ask the community who feel called to help them to come on board. Every bit counts! The goal is $2000AUD. They are hoping the surgery will be in December. I will forward the donations once I’ve seen the hospital bill - either to the family for the hospital, or directly to the hospital. Usually they will have 2 weeks after the surgery to pay the bill.
Thank you for your contribution.

Fundraising For

Jessica Nankin

Funds Banked To

Jessica Nankin


Campaign Creator

Jessica Nankin

Caulfield South, VIC

Wed, 2 Nov 2022

Anusha Fernando

$ 50
Wed, 2 Nov 2022

Courtney Nankin

$ 50
Tue, 1 Nov 2022

Alan Nankin

$ 100

From me and Natt

SINCE Nov 2022



$200 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Jessica Nankin

Funds Banked To

Jessica Nankin


Campaign Creator

Jessica Nankin

Caulfield South, VIC

SINCE Nov 2022

