Justin and Stacey Fourie

$500 raised

TARGET $12,000

Please support this cause



Cars! What a pain. Unfortunately, Justin and Stacey's car has broken down and after a great deal of time and work by mechanics they have determined that the cost to repair it will hugely outweigh what the car is worth. After prayer and consideration, they have had to sell it for parts to recoup some costs, but it’s not enough to pay off the loan of the car - which has $12,000 remaining.

So now they need to pay off the debt of their car and also save up for a new car.

As you may know, Justin is studying full time and following God's calling into ministry and so working full time at this stage isn’t an option. Stepping out in faith to follow God's call can be challenging enough, without having huge unexpected costs. So we hoped that it would be a blessing to be able to help them pay of this debt and start saving for a family car.

Please consider if you can support Justin and Stacey through contributing to this fund and upholding them in prayer through this time. Thankyou so much for helping support Justin and Stacey.
(Philippians 2: 3-4 - Rather in humility value others above yourself, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others)

Fundraising For

Justin and Stacey Fourie

Funds Banked To

Mr Justin D Fourie


Campaign Creator

Danielle Geijsman

Thornlie, WA

Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Danielle Geijsman

$ 500

SINCE Aug 2022



$500 raised

TARGET $12,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Justin and Stacey Fourie

Funds Banked To

Mr Justin D Fourie


Campaign Creator

Danielle Geijsman

Thornlie, WA

SINCE Aug 2022

