After six months over here, my focus – and your generous donations – have shifted to helping people in the newly liberated areas with things like organising deliveries of basic food kits that feed thousands, usually in villages and smaller town. We are often the first to visit these places – too small for the big NGOs.
We are desperately working to do what we can to prepare for the long harsh winter that’s coming fast.
I am living in Kyiv, and working with various local groups (Foundation Renaissance of Ukraine, Help and others), international groups (Safe Passage 4 Ukraine, Ukraine Now), and still in close contact with PAH and Tema4UA. And of course, other independent volunteers like me.
I’m still also working to help those who decide to leave their homes or are forced to. We provide food, blankets, toys, medicine, etc as well as support and helpful information to make their incredibly difficult time a little easier.
What is a small amount to us in Australia – a dinner for two or a few drinks after work – can make a massive difference here.
Here are some real examples of what we buy ($USD): $30 for a food kit to feed one person for a month. $50 for a food kit that feeds a family of 2.8 people for 2 weeks. $300 to fill the boot of an SUV with supplies (approx.) $500 for 60 blankets. Winter is coming and it will be bad.
… and hope to buy:
$13,000 to buy an ambulance in Poland to send to Ukraine to evacuate the ill, elderly and less able.
Any questions please ask, and if you want to donate directly to a charity, I'm happy to help you find a local one that resonates with you.
Great job Asher. Stay safe.