IFAF Womens World Championships

$300 raised

TARGET $6,000

Please support this cause



Hi, my name is Bliss Love.

I have been given the opportunity to represent Green & Gold and my country for a second time. I feel blessed with the second chance, and this time, I will show both my children but more so my daughter that even though life gives us hurdles to jump, we can achieve our dreams with perseverance and hard work.

I know I have more to sacrifice and more to gain this time around, but being resilient is a trait that I want my daughter to strive for and be proud of her mama for following her dreams.

I am asking for any donations, no matter how much; I appreciate the help. I am determined to do my part to bring the Gold home; my journey to the World Championships starts now.

Fundraising For

Bliss Love

Funds Banked To

Bliss Love

Campaign Creator

Bliss Love

Heathmont, VIC

Fri, 6 May 2022

Natasha v

$ 50
Thu, 14 Apr 2022


$ 75

So excited to see you crush it Bliss!!

Mon, 11 Apr 2022


$ 75

Kick ass!

Wed, 6 Apr 2022

Nicole Greeko

$ 50

Well done Bliss

Fri, 1 Apr 2022


$ 50

Go Get Em Bliss!

SINCE Apr 2022



$300 raised

TARGET $6,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Bliss Love

Funds Banked To

Bliss Love

Campaign Creator

Bliss Love

Heathmont, VIC

SINCE Apr 2022

