Archie was only 12 months old when they found his tumour, whilst performing an MRI under aesthetic. 'We found a lesion, we believe it is cancer' are the words no parent should ever have to hear about their baby. Archie had a 2x3cm malignant tumour - Neuroblastoma - in the left side of his chest.
Archie became a patient of paediatric oncologist, Prof Stewart Kellie (a living angel), at Westmead Children's Hospital, where Archie went every 8 weeks to have his MIBG scans, blood & urine tests and X-rays.
However, Archie's tumour was non-aggressive. It never spread. It just hung out as an 'active' tumour in his chest, and over the next 3 years, his amazing little body calcified the tumour until now, it's not a threat to him anymore. No cutting and no chemo.
An absolute bloody miracle.
The average age Neuroblastoma occurs in children is 2. And the survival rate is 50%.
The treatments are horrific on a babies growing body, and if the little darlings survive the cancer, they can have ongoing problems due to the medication they receive.
Whilst on this journey, Archie would play with little mates he would meet in the waiting room in the oncology department. Little kids his age, with no hair, central lines and feeding tubes. Playing trucks and doing craft just like any other 2 year old. Since that time, we didn't cut Archie's hair, we couldn't, we clung to every precious piece of his little body. We spoke about it being where he got his strength!
So, it's time Archie has his first, proper hair cut. He wants to donate his hair to Wigs for Kids. Nicki at Salon Purpose is going to cut his hair, and all money raised from his big chop will be donated to Neuroblastoma Australia. We appreciate any and all donations.... and thank our family and friends who have been with us on this rollercoaster journey.
We thank our lucky stars every day that Archie is ok.
Keep kicking goals Arch man. You little miracle boy. Xxx