Child Operation

$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

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A 5 year old boy from remote part of Raicost Madang province of Papua New Guinea need serious help.The boy desperately need operation as the condition is getting worse every day.
Despite the bad road condition with no transport available his father and mother carried him and walk distance to have access to Modilon hospital in Madang province.
Unfortunately the Modilon hospital dose not have the capacity to carry out the operation so the boy with his parents a in need for funds to assist with the operation.

Fundraising For

Peter Elijah

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Peter elijah

Papua New Guinea

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Feb 2022



$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Peter Elijah

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Peter elijah

Papua New Guinea

SINCE Feb 2022

