So...BPD and Me...I don't have room here for my whole story. My battle with mental health issues goes back nearly 3 decades (28 years to be precise) and you can Google BPD. What I can tell you is that after 12 years of misdiagnosis, over a decade on incorrect meds such as Lithium and Seroquel/Quetiapine I'm at a point in my life where, for the first time, I need to ask for help. From strangers. It's freaking me out tbh but I have such a thin skin I have thought about begging in the streets, believe me, but I don't think I could handle it. I can't handle much at all atm. I have ongoing anxiety and depression plus all the other baggage that comes with BPD. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that I have a correct diagnosis. After over 20 years in and out of psychiatrists offices, over a decade with the wrong diagnosis ( Bi Polar Type 2) and on meds that were actaully harming me, getting a new diagnosis in April this year has been a great help. I like to look at it as my 50th Birthday present. But all my adult life I've been going from 1 mental health crisis to another. I'm tired. So tired. And here I am. Asking for help. It's wierd. Talking to strangers. With my hand out looking for donations. I can't make you believe me but maybe, just maybe I can help you understand? After all this time, living on Centrelink, trying to cover rent, bills and food every fortnight...well I'm hoping against hope for the kindness of strangers. The ducks nuts of it is I need to raise money for a basic mental health service, psychology. Bulk billing psychologists are hard to find. They all have extensive waiting lists. I should know I've been on them for 3 months. But it's come to a point where I need to find help asap. BPD is a mental illness with a good prognosis. I was astonished when my public hospital psychiatrist told me that psychology and excercise where the prescibed he told me that BPD wasn't part of the public Mental Health system and cut me adrift with no help...well I do need help. DBT it's called. It's supposedly very good for helping with BPD. I wouldn't know. I can't afford it. My rent alone takes up 40% of my Centrelink benefits. And the charge for a single session with a GOOD psychologist is exactly $148. Per session. With 12-20 sessions being the optimum. Well I always did know how to talk!!! I'm not sure what else to say? I have tried to find the money to see a private psychologist and it can't be done. So if you could help thank you very much. I'd appreciate it. A lot. Thanks for your time and do take care. B ps I'm not sure what sort of proof people need. I've put up my discharge letter from my psychiartrist when I was discharged from the public system, a screen shoot of my Centrelink deductions and the cost of seeing a psychologist. I hope it helps. xo