Saving our family home

$320 raised

TARGET $85,000

Please support this cause



I arrived in Australia in 1995. I am a single mum with a physical disability (suffered stroke, and have other chronic diseases that greatly affect my daily life), and have been raising my three children on my own for many years after escaping domestic violence in two marriages (emotional, financial, physical and psychological abuses involved). My older daughter has intellectual disability, and needs ongoing care and supervision.
We have no family support in Australia, in fact, nowhere else given my parents are long gone. My eldest is my carer, and lives nearby. We have two friends who also live very close and can assist if needs arise.
Despite my health and life challenges I have returned to further university studies to improve my skills and job prospects; I have two more semesters to complete my studies.
We have been living in our family home for over 13 years; it has modifications namely rails around to assist me to cope with my conditions. I have been trying to keep up with loan repayments, but the account fell in arrears that the bank now demands by April 2022 otherwise wants to take our home. I got this informed about on 14th December 2021.
We are all highly stressed about this situation, my daughters can hardly comprehend what is going on or going to happen.
As our last hope I am pleading with you to kindly help us to raise funds to enable us to clear the arrears and to continue to living in our family home. And also to please share my plead with your friends and anyone else who could assist us as well.
We are forever grateful for all your help.
Thank you. thank you, thank you.

Fundraising For

Judit Kovalcsik

Funds Banked To

Judit Kovalcsik

Campaign Creator

Judit Kovalcsik

Hilton, WA

Mon, 27 Dec 2021


$ 50
Fri, 24 Dec 2021

Helen De Brito

$ 50
Thu, 23 Dec 2021

Fiina Willis

$ 100
Wed, 22 Dec 2021

Sara De Brito

$ 20
Wed, 22 Dec 2021

Sonia Bradfield

$ 100

SINCE Dec 2021



$320 raised

TARGET $85,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Judit Kovalcsik

Funds Banked To

Judit Kovalcsik

Campaign Creator

Judit Kovalcsik

Hilton, WA

SINCE Dec 2021

