Raising funds for Bashar Ismail & wife is Aisha Al-Hajj, who have 2 beautiful children Asinat Ismail and Latifi Ismail who live in Lebanon in the Al-Biri Akkar region
$29 raised
TARGET $3,000
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Bashar Ismail & wife is Aisha Al-Hajj, who have 2 beautiful children Asinat Ismail and Latifi Ismail who live in Lebanon in the Al-Biri Akkar region this young beautiful couple and children are in high need of food clothing, beds, blankets schooling for there 2 young girls Lebanon has become so poor that they can’t even buy bread the children will go over 10 hours with no food they have nothing all im asking together if we can raise as much possible to help them by sacrificing one thing and putting what ever u can to help them every doller counts I would do anything to see a family like that with a smile on there face as our hearts break for this family