My family Needs a car please help Matthew Garnett

$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



We had nothing we were on the streets 3 years ago with a backpack now we have a house a child who is beautiful and is now 16 months old we just can't seem to get ahead due to our past we I unable to get a loan so we need help we have never asked for help and never have in our life we scrimp and save but life gets in the way and back to square one I am disabled and my wife cares for me and my son she's in amazing woman and she deserves this I just can't give it to her so I need help I save a mans life by giving CPR for a very extended time in a Melville freak accident and paid it forward in my good karma and I'm hoping that youse all see in your heart to pay it foward to me to help me achieve his goal of getting a car for my family

Fundraising For

Stephanie Garnett

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Matthew Garnett

Palmyra, WA

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Aug 2021



$0 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Stephanie Garnett

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Matthew Garnett

Palmyra, WA

SINCE Aug 2021

