Supporting Sarcoma Research in memory of Robyn Perry
$1,960 raised
TARGET $1,000
Please support this cause
We recently lost Robyn Perry, potter, wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother to Sarcoma.
She was diagnosed in 2008 and underwent multiple surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy treatments which allowed her to live an active and fulfilling life for many years. We are grateful for the multidisciplinary teams that treated and cared for her over these years.
Unfortunately, most recently due to her declining health Robyn was unable to participate in a clinical trial. So in lieu of flowers at her memorial, Robyn would prefer donations to further Sarcoma research be made.
Sarcoma is a rare and complex cancer that is not only difficult to diagnose, but also to treat. It can occur at any age. Funding for research is crucial in finding successful treatments for this rare cancer, we appreciate your support in helping others.
The Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA) is the peak body for sarcoma research, education and awareness. Through your generosity, ANZSA dedicates 100% of your donations towards crucial sarcoma research and clinical trials to save and improve lives.
About Fundraiser
Megan Perry
Thu, 22 Jul 2021
Pam & Peter Garton
$ 100
Our deepest sympathy John, Megan, Melissa and Madeline. Robyn will be sadly missed by all who knew her, she was certainly a very considerate friend and neighbour to us, and to Glad.
Fri, 16 Jul 2021
Sandra Kenward
$ 50
Thu, 15 Jul 2021
Cecile and Tony Hunt
$ 150
Met Robyn soon after I first arrived in Aust in 1967..and have been great mates all these years. We ‘grew up together’ and shared many many fab, hilarious, memorable times. I am so pleased we shared life’s journey. The world seems an emptier place without her; she is missed.
Thu, 15 Jul 2021
$ 150
Thu, 15 Jul 2021
Margaret Ingles
$ 100
Thu, 15 Jul 2021
,Max & Cherie Sulman
$ 100
Our love and sympathy to you all. I will miss Robyn as
she has been a very special friend for 50 plus years.
Thu, 15 Jul 2021
Jan Hall
$ 50
Thanks for the 45 years of memories, Robyn I will miss you being a part of my life
Wed, 14 Jul 2021
Wendy Macdonald
$ 150
Deepest sympathy to the family of my beloved friend Robyn
The Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA) is the peak body for sarcoma research, education and awareness. Through your generosity, ANZSA dedicates 100% of your donations towards crucial sarcoma research and clinical trials to save and improve lives.
Our deepest sympathy John, Megan, Melissa and Madeline. Robyn will be sadly missed by all who knew her, she was certainly a very considerate friend and neighbour to us, and to Glad.