Bali Animal Care

$12,934 raised

TARGET $15,000

Please support this cause



Bali Animal Care is a not for profit organisation that is dedicated to improving the lives of animals in Bali during this stressful period of the pandemic and ongoing.

The plight of animals on the island of the gods has always been evident but since visitors to the island have disappeared and owners of the animals have returned to their home countries the situation has worsened.

We are focussed on assisting "owned animals" whether they are owned by Bali locals or owners that have locked up, abandoned their animals and left the island.

"Owned" dogs in particular have been found to be wandering around coffee shops and other locations that they previously visited with their owners to try and find them - to no avail.

They have no ability to fend for themselves as well as the Bali street dogs so many are found starving and in extremely traumatised by their abandonment.


Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the situation for animals in Bali has deteriorated considerably. Animals are neglected, dumped and left to their own devices. Due to this there are fewer sterilisations, which means that litters of puppies and kittens are growing by the day.

To help animals in need within our local area, offering care, shelter and veterinary assistance and at the same time providing support, assistance and education to the Balinese people in the proper care of animals.


Offer support on the spot by giving food, working together with a mobile vet, visit clinics, assist with possible admissions and then reinstatement in a shelter or foster home.

How we fund this

Through donations.

By setting up B.A.C. and especially with the help of donations we hope to continue to work with neglected street and beach animals here in Bali. Every dollar is well spent here!

We know we cannot save every animal - there are vast numbers of them on the island that need assistance.

We decided to focus our assistance on the animals in our local area. This is a worthy project with many dogs having puppies needlessly twice a year, dogs and cats at starvation level, chickens and ducks being cruelly treated and many owned animals with minor ailments that need attention. Unfortunately many of the owned animals do not get the assistance they need because the owners struggle just to feed their families.

Fundraising For

Bali Animal Care

We assist, feed and sterilise local sick and injured animals where locals are unable to do so due to lack of funds.

Funds Banked To

Fortune Resources Pty Ltd

Campaign Creator

Helen Jill Harvey

Claremont, WA

Sat, 30 Sep 2023

Leonid Kurik

$ 180
Wed, 27 Sep 2023

Kensey Brydson

$ 80

For Kali

Fri, 22 Sep 2023

Steph Tarola

$ 50

For the puppies in Bali from Hank and Steph

Fri, 22 Sep 2023

Ann Taylor

$ 100

Hope this helps in your woderful work ladies xx

Tue, 19 Sep 2023

Anastasia Ter

$ 30

For Dara

Sun, 10 Sep 2023

Teresa Wilding

$ 100
Wed, 30 Aug 2023

Kensey Brydson

$ 75

Beautiful Kali

Sat, 26 Aug 2023

Kris McA

$ 100

Keep up the amazing work Wendy - il see the you and the dogs soon

Mon, 21 Aug 2023

Robyn & Jim McIntosh

$ 50

Happy 70th birthday Neville Harvey!

Mon, 14 Aug 2023

Ann Taylor

$ 100

Keep up the great work - I would love to visit you when I visit Bali at the end of the month

SINCE Jul 2021



$12,934 raised

TARGET $15,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Bali Animal Care

We assist, feed and sterilise local sick and injured animals where locals are unable to do so due to lack of funds.

Funds Banked To

Fortune Resources Pty Ltd

Campaign Creator

Helen Jill Harvey

Claremont, WA

SINCE Jul 2021

