Help the Whitaker family battle through cancer

$71,785 raised

TARGET $100,000

Please support this cause



Andrew Whitaker (46) is a loving father of four boys, and faithful husband to his wife of 27 years is in the fight of his life against cancer. He and his family are in need your support!

Andrew (also known as 'Whitty')—formerly the lead singer of the Christian punk-rock band 'Rookie'—has spent much of his life serving in his church community, including youth ministry and in the band. Andrew is a loyal friend to all who know him, enriching our lives with his witty (pun intended) sense of humour and optimistic outlook on life.

Three years ago, Andrew's world was turned upside down after being diagnosed with oesophageal cancer. He underwent curative chemoradiation therapy followed by a full esophagectomy. Recovery was long and difficult and his ability to eat and digest food has been permanently altered. At the end of 2019 Andrew was diagnosed with lung cancer, leading to further surgery to remove two thirds of his right lung, plus months of grueling chemotherapy in another attempt to cure him.

Unfortunately, Andrew has found himself back in the ring once more, after a recent PET scan revealed that the cancer has metastasised and spread to his lymph nodes. His doctors have since directed him to the palliative care unit, and he is currently undergoing his third round of chemo.

The doctors at the Princess Alexandra Hospital have been able to obtain provision of trial medications, which studies have demonstrated significant success in the prolonging of overall survival in people with Andrew's cancer.

Our goal is to raise $100,000, which will help provide financial assistance to Andrew's family in the coming years, so Carla, a teacher by trade, to home school their children without the pressure of having to secure employment. Funds will also go towards treatment should Andrew be ineligible for the clinical trials, and cover funeral costs.

With Andrew being the sole income provider, having to rely on the disability pension in recent years has caused the family to experience financial hardship. Without him, the family will have many more financial hurdles to overcome in the future.

Andrew is determined to fight to be alive as long as possible for his wife and four young boys: Micah (17), Isaac (14), Caleb (11) and Joel (7), who love and adore him. Through the last few years, they have endured stress and uncertainty of watching their Dad fight this fight. The news of Andrew’s recent diagnosis has been very difficult for his sons, as well his wife, Carla, who lost her own father to cancer at the age of 12.

Family, friends and the Church community are rallying together, supporting in every way they can, but we would be extremely grateful if you would join us in this fight against cancer.

Please help us give hope and time to Andrew and his family.

A message from Andrew:

"It's with a heavy heart that I write this, but although it's hard and I’ve had to swallow my pride, at the same time my spirit is also full of hope and assurance in my faith.

For those who have been on this journey with us for the last 3 years we are so thankful for your prayers, love, generosity and support given so freely already. This has been a tough decision to put a fundraiser up but it's come down to us wanting to not leave any stone unturned and doing my all to be around and provide financially as long as I can for my boys and Carla.

For those of Christian faith, you will understand we are praying for a miracle, while clinging to the cross, anchored in His truth and trusting Him with whatever He decides for our lives. Our trust and hope ultimately is found in Jesus Christ, our salvation. We believe that at the end of this life we will meet again, living eternally with our creator in a place with no sickness, pain, suffering or sorrow.

For those who may not have a Christian faith, I’d love to share my story with you. We will be praying for you and hope that we are able to reflect just a glimpse of Christ through our trials and that He will receive all the Glory.

Thank you for your time, God Bless and we really would appreciate your prayers above all else."

I'm raising funds for


Helping a Friend in Need (HAFIN)

Helping A Friend in Need (HAFIN) ABN 86611164197 disburses tax deductible donations to individuals and families for the direct relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability, destitution or helplessness. Donations are tax deductible and are disbursed directly to the beneficiary.

About Fundraiser

Nick Kabiotis


Wed, 10 Jan 2024

Christopher Scarf

$ 10
Fri, 10 Nov 2023

Belinda Macarthur

$ 50
Fri, 17 Sep 2021

All glory to God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, forever faithful and with us at all times ????

$ 30

All glory to God, may you keep Andrew and his faithful family in your sight and renew in Andrew complete health!! I'm Jesus name Amen ? ? ? bless your family ? ?

Sun, 12 Sep 2021

John Jenyns

$ 500
Thu, 2 Sep 2021


$ 100
Mon, 30 Aug 2021


$ 50
Mon, 30 Aug 2021


$ 20
Mon, 30 Aug 2021


$ 50
Sun, 22 Aug 2021


$ 100
Sun, 22 Aug 2021


$ 100

SINCE Jun 2021



$71,785 raised

TARGET $100,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Helping a Friend in Need (HAFIN)

Helping A Friend in Need (HAFIN) ABN 86611164197 disburses tax deductible donations to individuals and families for the direct relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, distress, misfortune, disability, destitution or helplessness. Donations are tax deductible and are disbursed directly to the beneficiary.

About Fundraiser

Nick Kabiotis


SINCE Jun 2021

