Positive Periods for kids in care

$10 raised


Please support this cause



Many children going in to foster care haven't been taught about their bodies and what's normal and going to happen during puberty.
We can only imagine how scary and isolating this would be for a child and we are aiming to take away some of that stress and fear by providing this box full of everything they need to have a confident and positive period experience.

The packages, which can be found on our website, made with your donations will contain period products, toiletries, a heat pack for any discomfort during their period, "Welcome To Your Period" book to give them all the information they may be to shy to ask about and also some extra treats because every kid deserves some extra love and kindness ❤️

Thank you for donating!

PS if you'd like to donate a complete box, please head to our website www.heyflow.com.au

Fundraising For

Positive Periods for Kids in Care

Funds Banked To

Kylie mexsom

Campaign Creator

Hey Flow

North Lake, WA

Mon, 21 Jun 2021

Shannon Doran

$ 10

SINCE Jun 2021



$10 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Positive Periods for Kids in Care

Funds Banked To

Kylie mexsom

Campaign Creator

Hey Flow

North Lake, WA

SINCE Jun 2021

