
Joe's Long Run

$12,000 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause

Well finally, after a battle with my clicking ankle, a bit of physio (just a bit), and months of training, I'll be attempting to do what I've wanted to for a while.

On the 20th of February (date subject to change if restrictions change or weather conditions are too severe), I will attempt to run a 117.8km ultra-marathon to Palm Beach and back, raising awareness and funds for Lymphatic cancer. Leading up to the HSC, someone who I call a good mate and a life mentor, lost someone very close to them, which is why I have chosen to run for Lymphoma.

I'll start at the North end of Bondi Beach at some early hour of the morning, make my way up across the Bridge (or bridges) and up to Palm Beach where I'll turn around run back to where I started. This long journey isn't about pace or completing it in a specific time, but I am aiming to finish in under 16 hours.

I invite anyone who wishes to run the last 7km with me, from Hyde park back to the beach. Even if you aren't the most experienced runner, feel free to join because I won't be moving too quick. (While I'm running I'll post an estimate on when I'll reach Hyde Park, but it'll be around late afternoon/evening).

I also want to thank Miss Pace and Mr Kennedy for supporting me in doing this, it's much appreciated.

Help us beat cancer. If you wish to donate the link is below. I have a goal of $3000 so any contribution to helping me reach that is much appreciated.

Cheers, Joe

Fundraising For


Lymphoma Australia

No one should go on a cancer journey alone. Lymphoma Australia is dedicated to raising funds to ensure specialist Lymphoma Care Nurses are available wherever they are needed. Your donation will help support patients & their families from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment.

Fri, 12 Mar 2021


$ 136
Thu, 11 Mar 2021

Ryan Foley

$ 113

Good stuff king ?

Tue, 9 Mar 2021

John Ryan

$ 100
Wed, 24 Feb 2021

Alice Yang

$ 10
Mon, 22 Feb 2021

Louise Lander

$ 20

So amazing joe ❤️

Mon, 22 Feb 2021

Claire Dugonics

$ 20
Mon, 22 Feb 2021

The Filipek Family

$ 500

Well done Joe - great effort

Mon, 22 Feb 2021

Adrian Gold

$ 100
Mon, 22 Feb 2021

Matthew Higgins-titsha

$ 10
Sun, 21 Feb 2021

Margaret Fitzgerald

$ 50

CREATOR Joe Simonella

SINCE Jan 2021



50% raised
20+ donations
Target reached

$12,000 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For


Lymphoma Australia

No one should go on a cancer journey alone. Lymphoma Australia is dedicated to raising funds to ensure specialist Lymphoma Care Nurses are available wherever they are needed. Your donation will help support patients & their families from the time of diagnosis and throughout treatment.

CREATOR Joe Simonella

SINCE Jan 2021



50% raised
20+ donations
Target reached