In the wild, primates spend their entire lives in the company of other primates. Many captive primates don’t even have the company of one of their species. Many suffer years of abuse and isolation and often afraid of their own kind. Naturally social animals, they are physiologically damaged need long term rehabilitation and care to integrate them into a so they can live with other monkeys as a family unit. Their plight needs to be addressed urgently. Bali Monkey Rescue is dedicated to protect and rehabilitate Long Tailed Macaques from deplorable situations. However resources are limited and we urgently need to extend our programs in the care, feeding and medical costs. To continue our program we must reach out to the generosity of others to champion our cause to stop their suffering.
Bali Monkey Rescue provides a future free from torment and abuse by protecting and rehabilitating Long Tailed Macaques from the wildlife trade in Bali.
Funds Banked To
Lynne Mann
Campaign Creator
Lynne Mann
Green Point, NSW
Mon, 3 Aug 2020
Tera Brewster
$ 100
Love & Gratitude ♥️
Wed, 15 Jul 2020
Christine Luxford
$ 20
Hope this helps and you get more
Wed, 15 Jul 2020
Michelle Petchell
$ 20
Thank you for all that you do??Bless you and your team of earth angels?
Mon, 13 Jul 2020
Jules Seaman
$ 75
Thank you for the work you are doing to help these beautiful animals.
Bali Monkey Rescue provides a future free from torment and abuse by protecting and rehabilitating Long Tailed Macaques from the wildlife trade in Bali.
Love & Gratitude ♥️