This is a heartbreaking story of an adorable boy who dreams of walking to school. Mohammad is a child amputee and was born in Tehran, Iran. His father's occupation as a driver struggles to pay the rent. His mother's occupation is a carer. They are a low income family and Mohammad requires full time physiotherapy. Mohammad is an active six year old boy who enjoys sports, swimming, rock climbing and requires new prosthetic legs yearly to accommodate his growing body.
Manijeh operates a clothing alteration business called Silver 'Threads and Golden Needles' in Kew, Victoria.
Her customers have supported many of Manijeh's fundraisers and she's an active member of the community.
Manijeh operates a clothing alteration business called Silver 'Threads and Golden Needles' in Kew, Victoria.
Her customers have supported many of Manijeh's fundraisers and she's an active member of the community.