Ladybird Fund V2.0

$26,156 raised

TARGET $27,000

Please support this cause



Hello Family, Friends, Acquaintances and everyone in between,

Most of you know that mother dearest is dead has been five years and but before she peeled out she wanted to leave behind something that would help people that found themselves in her position (dying of cancer).
She created something she referred to as AP (please read the history later if you would like to know more) my brother being the far more diligent and proactive one has carried on with her wishes and been raising money via the Ladybird Fund which is then issued to the people that need it most according to Professor Arlene Chan mothers oncologist.
Anyway, guess it’s time I contributed some of my time and energy too some of you may know that I currently have lovely hair, perfect for being made in to a wig. Here is what I propose.
Reach the new target of $10,000 my hair will be cut and shaved and sent to
If we beat the last fund raise and break $27,000 I vow to allow the largest donor to pick the method of removing all hair from my body; shave, wax, jump through fire…just a few ideas
I will also donate $1 of my own money to every $10 raised this time round. Currently at $5500($550 MC)
I know this is a trying time for many people around the world so if you can’t donate please share the link via social media or print out and display in your local notice board or place of work.
Here are some pictures of my hair currently

Thank you all oh so much for taking the time to read this and wish you all the best for the coming year.
Lots of Love
Michael Charles Cromwell Brooke (MC, Mick, Brookesy)


It has been nearly 2 years since we collectively raised funds for the Ladybird Fund.

October 9 2020 will mark the 5th Anniversary of Ginny's death. As we lead up to this significant date we ask that our donors once again give to this significant and worthy cause. We hope to continue celebrating Ginny's giving spirit which we all knew so well by championing this cause for people suffering from a breast cancer diagnosis and financial hardship because of treatment costs.

A message from Breast Cancer Research Center:

Professor Arlene Chan has been able to allocate more than $7,000 to patients in need, from the Ladybird Fund. This has been made possible by the Brooke family who started the Ladybird Fund in 2018 and raised $26,570. The Ladybird Fund was created in honour of 'Ginny', Virginia Margaret Brooke, who passed away from advanced breast cancer in 2015. Ginny's wish was to support breast cancer patients through what can be expensive treatments.

“ The generous donation from the Ladybird Fund of $2000 was of great financial assistant to us. We are both on a part pension and had reached a point where our savings had been exhausted. The cost to us had been over $4000 per month, a cost we could not sustain. We are extremely grateful to the Ladybird Fund for their assistance in helping cover this cost, and to Prof Arlene Chan of BCRC-WA,” said Ann, a patient.

Treatments that are high cost can be difficult for some patients to access. It has been through the generous donations to the Ladybird Fund that Prof Chan has been able to identify and help some patients with treatment expenses. Eligibility for assistance is at the discretion of Prof Chan. (4 June 2020).

The Ladybird Fund has been created by the Brooke family in honour of "Ginny" (Virginia Margaret Brooke).

Ginny passed away from metastasised breast cancer on October 9, 2015, nine years after her first diagnosis in 2006.

Shortly after her death, Ginny's family found a personal request she had written:

"15 December 2014

I am writing to you with my heart in my hands. With no time to glorify or beat about the bush I am setting up a program called AP the Avistan Project, or to me personally, I call it the advanced pressure.

Avistan is a drug not only prescribed for advanced bowel cancer but advanced breast cancer too. A drug doing great things but unfortunately for hundreds not covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

It is one thing to struggle with weekly chemotherapy for months at a time but then to find you have become resistant to the chemotherapy, is devastating. Only the horror gets far worse as your oncologist sits in front of you and explains there is another treatment that could help. However, it is not covered by your health insurance, if you are lucky enough to have one in the first place. Reality hits you not like a slap in the face but a stab in the heart. The drug is $1,500 a week.

For many, the idea of treatment is taken straight out of their hands. They have no way of ever having that kind of money or ever being able to make it, borrow it or be loaned it. For some, as the oncologist says "take the weekend to think about it"! their mind goes into blankness. The unbelievable, unfathomable, unrealistic and terrifying news slowly sinks in, through the tears and sobs they are already realising they cannot afford it. $1,500 is much more than some people's weekly wage.

Mortgage the house, sell shares, assets anything. Sell the house.

As the weekend progresses the truth slowly dawns on many, the drug is out of their reach.

For others, luckily enough, they can sell an asset. Shares, a second car, their precious boat, motorbike anything but their home. Not their home, their sanctuary, their nest for their children.

Cancer is cruel, but unless you belong to the club nobody wants to join, you have no idea that treatment can be crueller in many ways.

Not only am I beseeching you, I am begging you to look into your hearts and give generously. Every dollar WILL and can make a difference in having treatment or not.

For some grandmother, mother, aunt, sister, daughter, cousin or friend out there, your decision to help could make all the difference.

The money will be given as a gift to the patient from the said oncologist."

A donation to the Ladybird fund will help fulfil Ginny's wish to support women subjected to financial hardship because of their treatment not being available on the PBS.

The funds will be distributed to the most appropriate ladybirds by Professor Arlene Chan (Ginny's oncologist) through the Breast Cancer Research Center (BCRC), a non-profit organisation based in Perth, Western Australia. The Brooke family is working directly with BCRC in regards to this.

The goal of the LBF V2.0 is to reach the target of $5,000 by the 5th anniversary of Ginny's death, October 9, 2020.

Virginia (Ginny) Margaret Brooke
3 April 1961 - 9 October 2015

Breast Cancer Research Centre - WA

We are a clinician-led organisation where patient education and support services are initiated by the very people who treat breast cancer patients every day.
BCRC-WA is proudly a not-for-profit and a charitable organisation (Licence CC 21750).

Clinical trials are the only way to find out which new approaches to cancer treatments work better than the existing ones. We aim to further the global knowledge of breast cancer and it's treatments through our clinical trials.

I'm raising funds for


Breast Cancer Research Centre (BCRC) - WA

Our Mission is to offer the best treatment, undertake high-quality research, deliver broad-based education, and provide support to individuals with breast cancer and their families.

About Fundraiser

Brooke Family


Thu, 13 May 2021

Ross Greaves

$ 150
Sun, 21 Mar 2021

Tom Goddard

$ 100
Sun, 21 Mar 2021

James Pedlow

$ 150
Sun, 21 Mar 2021

Amy Gaunt

$ 50
Thu, 11 Mar 2021


$ 127

I'm adding this $1-$10 to early as I believe that we will make it to the target. Thank you all :-)

Thu, 11 Mar 2021

Michael Brooke

$ 254

Thank you all and Gus n Ally for your huge effort. Topping up my $1 to every $10 donated. Love to all :-)

Wed, 10 Mar 2021

Gus & Ally Shields

$ 100
Wed, 10 Mar 2021

Donations from Gus’s head Shave

$ 810
Sun, 7 Mar 2021

Callum Kerr

$ 100
Sun, 7 Mar 2021

Peter & Sue Douglas

$ 100

? Fantastic MC. So beautiful in Mum’s memory.?

SINCE Jun 2020



$26,156 raised

TARGET $27,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Breast Cancer Research Centre (BCRC) - WA

Our Mission is to offer the best treatment, undertake high-quality research, deliver broad-based education, and provide support to individuals with breast cancer and their families.

About Fundraiser

Brooke Family


SINCE Jun 2020

