Welcome to the STUDENT RENT ASSISTANCE COVID-19 Emergency Page. This is your opportunity to help International Students by giving now and giving generously.
Thousands of international students, choose Australia as their 1st list destination to spend a long period of time to learn another language and gain confidence living in a foreign country. So far, many students visas are being expired and many flights have being cancelled without refund from a foreign airlines leaving many students facing many financial issues.
Our main industry is music, culture and art, also have being devastated due to COVID-19 leaving many emerging and an new artists in need. Our current charity by Moon Valley Events NFP Organisation legal name El Barrio Your Neighbourhood Ltd. is committed to doing what it can to help those in need, but our resources are extremely limited.
We urgently need to raise $30,000 to help provide rent assistance relief for students rent and also many artists affected by the COVID-19 closures, shutdowns and cancellations.
This current situation will navigate through many months ahead, even if some restrictions have been lifted still not enough work to support many students, nor artists.
Thank you in advance for your support. For further information about donations, please visit our social media pages including this fundraise page.
If you wish to make an EFT donation, our bank details are: Moon Valley BSB: 014536 Account: 228633373. Please include the description: S-R-A COVID-19.