We're all in this together - Funds for our Doctors & Nurses
$790 raised
TARGET $3,000
Please support this cause
We're all in this together...
Our partner, Western Health, reached out to us as they urgently need to raise funds for their Western Health Emergency Response Fund.
The team at Western Health is well prepared for the anticipated increase in demand for emergency health services. However, they need to be prepared for resources being tested and stretched, as it's unclear how long the pandemic will last.
Donations are needed to buy much-needed PPE equipment for the doctors, nurses, and allied health and support staff of Western Health that are working around the clock to make sure that we, our families and communities receive the best possible support.
In the past, we have supported a number of emergency-related causes, such as raising donations for the Australian Red Cross during this year’s devastating bushfires or fundraising for Hands Across The Water to support orphaned children after the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami in Thailand.
This time is no different.
For many of our consultants, the main draw of working in recruitment is helping people every day – supporting people’s success.
Since the onset of this pandemic, we have watched many organisations need to make difficult decisions to lay off staff or cut back hours, and have been working with an increasing number of candidates who are actively looking for new opportunities.
The uncertainty in the air is palpable.
It’s been heartbreaking to watch the virus affect so many individuals. However, we cannot return to our formerly free lives until COVID-19 is defeated.
And our frontline healthcare workers can’t do that without our support!
Even though Western Health has been preparing for what is still to come, essential resources are needed!
That’s why we have partnered with Western Health to help raise money through our first-ever Sirius Triathlon.
Please donate! Your donation will help Western Health provide:
- Support for a wellbeing program for staff who may be experiencing stress or trauma of long hours in emergency of ICU wards - Extra equipment to meet the increase in demand during this crisis situation - Additional healthcare initiatives on digital platforms and expanded tele-health programs to reduce hospital admissions and relieve the pressure on our hospital emergency departments - Other items that we may not know we need as this is an unprecedented situation that continues to rapidly change
What is the Sirius Triathlon?
Over the next four weeks, our Sirius People team will commit to:
Run 130 km per week, Cycle 250 km per week, and Do 30 hours of yoga per week.
We will share our ‘mileage’ on our LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to bring continual awareness and much-needed funds for this incredibly important cause.
Please share and join us using #ItsUpToUs, and donate!
The Western Health Foundation facilitates opportunities for members of the community to support the work of Western Health - a major public healthcare provider in Melbourne's west - through raising funds for equipment, medical research and staff scholarships.
About Fundraiser
Sirius People
Sydney, NSW
Mon, 4 May 2020
Ana Castro
$ 10
Mon, 4 May 2020
srinivasa suthari
$ 20
A very big thanks for all the sacrifices and the wonderful work you are doing in fighting the Corona Virus!!
Fri, 1 May 2020
Nafees Unnisa
$ 30
Fri, 1 May 2020
$ 150
Thank you local Hero's
Thu, 30 Apr 2020
$ 10
Sat, 25 Apr 2020
Angie Cave
$ 30
Go team!
Fri, 24 Apr 2020
Adam Armstrong
$ 10
Thank you!
Fri, 24 Apr 2020
Adam Armstrong
$ 5
Thu, 23 Apr 2020
$ 50
Thu, 23 Apr 2020
Deni Verklan
$ 25
Thank you, Western Health, for all the great work you do!
The Western Health Foundation facilitates opportunities for members of the community to support the work of Western Health - a major public healthcare provider in Melbourne's west - through raising funds for equipment, medical research and staff scholarships.
A very big thanks for all the sacrifices and the wonderful work you are doing in fighting the Corona Virus!!