Graham's Support For MND Association of South Australia
$1,100 raised
TARGET $10,000
Please support this cause
On the 30th August 2019 I was diagnosed with ALS which is a form of Motor Neurone Disease. This is an terminal disease as there is still no known cause or cure. I am now receiving support from MND Association of South Australia, their support and assistance has been overwhelming. This association relies solely on fundraising and personal donations to continue this work and unfortunately they receive no financial support from the South Australian Government. This is the only state government in Australia that doesn't not provide support and financial assistance to the state MND Association. I would now like to commence this fundraising page and ask everyone if they would please consider making a donation to this amazing association that provides me, my family and many other families in South Australia so much support and help whilst coping with this hideous disease. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. We need to find a cure for this horrible disease!
Help us continue to make a difference supporting South Australians affected by Motor Neurone Disease
MNDSA are a not-for-profit business determined to help people affected by MND to live their lives regardless of their age or postcode – we are here to take the call.
Until there is a cure we care.
About Fundraiser
Graham Johnson
Munno Para, SA
Tue, 18 Aug 2020
Bette Gotch
$ 100
Love Bette xx
Wed, 27 May 2020
Shae Marchetto
$ 300
Tue, 12 May 2020
Bette Gotch
$ 100
Mon, 20 Jan 2020
Kay Krallis for Graham's johnsons cause cause
$ 250
Wed, 15 Jan 2020
Leigh, Jo and Quinn Berryman
$ 50
You are a true inspiration Graham and have done your friends and family so proud!
Help us continue to make a difference supporting South Australians affected by Motor Neurone Disease
MNDSA are a not-for-profit business determined to help people affected by MND to live their lives regardless of their age or postcode – we are here to take the call.
Until there is a cure we care.
Love Bette xx