Everyone knows how devastating this summer has already been for bushifres. There are plenty of fundraisers going on for various things however my online fundriaser & ladies night fundraiser is raising money for our local CFS stations to use to upgrade their equipment & stations. These volunteers are doing fantastic things not only in our local community but other fire affected communities as well and I want to be able to give something back to them. I want to raise as much money as possible in the hope that I can then share the money between Kadina, Bute, Cunliffe, Paskeville and hopefully Alford and South Hummocks. If enough money is raised I would also like to be able to donate some to the wildlife organisations in Kangaroo Island who are doing an amazing job trying to save as many Koalas and other species as possible. Please donate... The more I can raise the more I can help.
3 tickets please