Clayton View Primary School would love to participate in the Sponsor A School Program. We are a very small school of only 150 students which is situated in a very low socio-economic area with 31% Indigenous students and a low ICSEA of 850. We are a Crunch-n-Sip school and really value teaching our students about healthy lifestyle. Currently, we have a small kitchen garden which exists purely from staff buying the produce. We run a garden club once a week for students that are interested. The school follows sustainability practices for example collecting food waste for staff chickens, compost bins and worm farms. The school would benefit from hosting The Learn Your Fruit and Veg Program as our students generally have limited nutrition knowledge and the school is trying to teach students the benefits of healthy eating choices. Planting, harvesting, cooking and learning the nutritional value of this garden would really encourage our students to try new foods and provide them with ownership and pride of experiencing life skills. This program will create success for students and in turn will boost their self-esteem and self-worth. The school promotes positive eating habits for the future. We believe this program and the experiences will build a passion for healthy eating and a positive approach to care for the environment. Using the fresh fruit and vegetable produce for cooking nutritious meals from scratch, will instil healthier life choices in our students.