On 2nd October 2018, Con and Kula’s neurologist gave them the news that 'rocked their world' - Con was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.
Kula says, "For us the most horrible part of all this was being given the diagnosis, followed by him losing his voice and me not being able to understand him. Communication is really hard and watching him struggle to cough or eat is heartbreaking."
"Soon after contacting the Association this ‘angel’ came to our house and gave us all the information we needed to learn how to live our lives with this disease."
"It is such a relief to be able to call Fran, or the Equipment team, and know that our requests will be managed, and in such a professional and caring way. Having these items definitely makes a difference to his life, especially the communication devices as they are the only way he can communicate with us."
Since then, Con and Kula have continued traveling the world. They've visited nine countries over the past few months. The equipment and assistive technology they have received through the MND Victoria Equipment Service has enabled them to travel safely and helped Con continue to be able to communicate with Kula and his loved ones.
"We can’t say enough about how important it is to have MND Victoria as part of your ‘family’ during the disease progression. Thank you for taking the time to read our story. We urge you to give generously to MND Victoria’s Christmas Appeal so that other families like ours continue to be supported and guided as they live with this disease."
Kula and Con