As you may have heard, 3 weeks ago Turkey invaded the Rojava (region of North Syria) and has been committing acts of genocide against our people, and all ethnic and religious minorities in the region.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time our oppressors have attempted to wipe us out. Our people have been under attack for centuries.
One of our traditions is, in the face of an overwhelming foe, we celebrate life, and strengthen our spirits!
Through our celebration of Kurdish Culture, we also stand with Rojava against the war crimes and atrocities committed and celebrated by the Turkish Government.
This page is our pledge to help the victims of this aggression, Heyva Sor (the Kurdish Red Cross) has been the only NGO that has stayed on the ground in Rojava since the beginning of the invasion.
Your donation will directly go towards the 400,000 men women and children with food, water, medical needs, and shelter, as they flee from the aggression.
Fantastic cause Rody. Wish we could of been there to celebrate last night