Angus' Brave Battle

$5,370 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



We met a beautiful family on the Oncology/Haemotology Ward at PMH, a family who's son was battling cancer yet they would give you their last $5 if you needed it.
Unfortunately their gorgeous boy Angus has been diagnosed with a secondary Cancer called ACute Myeloid Leukemia. It’s now our turn to help this family who would do anything for anyone.
Here is a little bit about Angus

Angus was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma was in 2014 when he was 11 years old.
From that time he had 10 months of chemotherapy, tumor removal and donor bone surgery, a number of small surgeries such as skin grafts, port insertions etc.
After his cancer treatment he then had further orthopedic issues with non union of the donor bone causing 2 internal fixation plates holding his tibia together to fail, until finally he had external fixation put in place in May 2019.
This surgery was initially successful, however he then developed an infection in his donor bone, and was set for surgery to remove the infected donor bone and perform a technique to grow his own bone from transplanted cells in December 2019.

Unfortunately Angus' diagnosis of AML came before this was able to happen.

Angus had a below knee amputation on Saturday 26/10/2019. Angus has also had 14 cannula attempts resulting in only 2 current viable lines. He is on a cocktail of anti fungal and antibiotics along with various pain killers in preparation for chemotherapy which is hoped to commence on Friday. He will be in isolation for this treatment due to the intensity of the chemotherapy required.

If the chemotherapy is effective and puts his leukemia in remission he may then be eligible for a bone marrow transplant if a suitable donor is identified.

During these next few months Angus' mum Tracy, dad Justin and sister Emily will want to be with Angus and give him all their love and support, obviously this will incur time off for both Tracy and Justin so I am hoping to raise as much money as I can for this amazing family to make the financial side of life a bit easier <3 money should be the least of their worries.

Fundraising For

The Hollington Family

We would love to help raise some money to help this beautiful family who have spent so much time helping others

Funds Banked To

J T Hollington

Campaign Creator

deb butler

Seville grove , WA

Thu, 12 Dec 2019

Rachel Hayes

$ 50

Dear Angus and family. Sending all our love and best wishes for s strong recovery as you all battle this terrible disease. The Hayes Family xxx

Thu, 21 Nov 2019


$ 30

Sending much love and well wishes for lil Angus and the family. xx

Thu, 21 Nov 2019

Fotina and Chris Thompson

$ 40

Met beautiful Jodie in New York during my sister's 50th. Sending love and get well vibes from down under in NZ. Kia Kaha (stand strong) xxx

Tue, 19 Nov 2019


$ 250
Tue, 19 Nov 2019


$ 250
Tue, 19 Nov 2019

Natalie Robinson

$ 255
Wed, 13 Nov 2019

Nicola Panoho

$ 20
Tue, 12 Nov 2019

Kristy Thomas

$ 20
Tue, 12 Nov 2019

Nikaela Metaxas

$ 20
Mon, 11 Nov 2019


$ 100

SINCE Oct 2019



$5,370 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

The Hollington Family

We would love to help raise some money to help this beautiful family who have spent so much time helping others

Funds Banked To

J T Hollington

Campaign Creator

deb butler

Seville grove , WA

SINCE Oct 2019

