Thank you for booking your free ticket(s) for the Ek Aasha screening on 17th November and thank you for your donation. This will be distributed to transgender actors of Ek Aasha.
Lead actress’s Profile:
Disha Yadav was only 19 when she stepped her foot outside of Delhi, for the first time, in order to commence shooting for Ek Aasha in Surat, India. Disha had to discontinue her education after 4th grade due to her gender identity, but she continued her education in her own way by watching TV, films and people around her slum. Although her dad left the family because of Disha, she considers herself as a lucky Kinnar/Hijra because her mother supported her in her own way. Disha leads her life as a traditional Kinnar/Hijra person and gives blessings to people in return for money. In India some people believe in the blessings of Hijras. This is the only culturally accepted work that a Kinnar can do. Now Disha is keen to see the whole world, however, we are struggling to make her passport as I type this due to the bureaucracy and her identity issues.
Cast Interviews: Disha and Family:
SBS TV: How an Indian-Australian shot an entire film whilst fearing eviction. Available from here:
Cast Interviews: Disha and Family:
Cast Interviews: Annu and cast:
Congratulations on an inspiring and thought provoking film
Tue, 19 Nov 2019
Sunil Kumar
$ 50
Tue, 19 Nov 2019
Umesh Sharma
$ 50
Great movie-it brings in limelight some of the hidden issues that make lives of millions of transgender people miserable in India! The movie could be a strong tool to raise awareness about many issues that this group faces in India and beyond.
Mon, 18 Nov 2019
Naren Chellappah
$ 50
Mon, 18 Nov 2019
Belinda Bottos
$ 50
It opens our minds to such much out there thank you Mayur for sharing
Mon, 18 Nov 2019
Sam Bennett
$ 50
Congratulations on such a great achievement with the film and wishing the cast and crew all the very best of success.
Mon, 18 Nov 2019
Jessica Smith
$ 30
Thanks for the opportunity Mayur and best wishes for reaching your target. May Disha see the world!
Congratulations on an inspiring and thought provoking film