Going Blue for Mental Health

$5,800 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



Why would anyone dye their hair blue?! Why would a doctor make their tresses teal? Their mane ultramarine?

'Right now, over one million Australian adults are experiencing depression and two million are experiencing anxiety. On average, eight people take their own lives every day in Australia.' Beyond Blue

This October, I will dye my hair blue for mental health and use this newfound blue haired visibility to raise awareness, fight the stigma and raise money for Beyond Blue and Headspace. Please support me!

This is personal. I have had a 13 year old girl in the Emergency Department tell me that she wants to end her life. As a doctor, I have certified the death of a mid-30 year old man in regional Victoria, caused by suicide. I have been a patient too. I have been affected by mental illness myself. I have sought help from mental health professionals and I recognise that access to this type of support has made all the difference. What else made a difference? Having people around me who allow me to express what’s going on without feeling stigmatised. While we cannot help our loved ones to simply 'snap out of it', we can do a lot by educating ourselves and knowing where people can find help, financially supporting those organisations with the services and reducing stigma through conversation. So, let's do it, get on board!

>> Join me in raising money for Beyond Blue and Headspace so that they can continue to respond to crises, connect people to services and educate the community around mental health.<<

Stigma around mental health prevents us from recognising the signs in ourselves and others. It stops us form seeking help early and recognising that just as you wouldn’t treat pneumonia without professional help, we may need some professional help for this type of illness too. Even within the healthcare profession, members continue to propagate stigma despite being a leading demographic suffering from these illnesses. The stigma is holding us back.

Mental Health week (5 to 11 of October) is the time to get talking about these illnesses, how they affect us, what we can do to prevent them, and where to seek help.

Let’s turn these stats around:
- Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged 15-44 year old (1)
- In 2011 men accounted for over three quarters (76%) of deaths from suicide(2), and an estimated 72% of males don’t seek help for mental disorders.
- Doctors reported substantially higher rates of psychological distress and suicidal thoughts compared to both the Australian population and other Australian professionals(3).

>> Join me in raising money for Beyond Blue andHeadspace so that they can continue to respond to crises, connect people to services and educate the community around mental health.<<

Beyond Blue declares that every donation helps to(4):
• Provide an expert listening ear – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – through our Support Service
• Develop and trial ground-breaking new initiatives to tackle anxiety, depression and suicide
• Give people the information they need, whenever they need it, wherever they live
• Distribute free information resources across Australia
• Produce evidence-based awareness campaigns to reach people at risk of developing mental health conditions; and
• Fund world-leading research

'More than 75 per cent of mental health issues develop before a person turns 25'

Headspace began in 2006 and aims to address this by providing tailored and holistic mental health support to 12 - 25 year olds. With a focus on early intervention, we work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future...young people are at the centre of everything we do and they play an active role in designing, developing and evaluating our programs...
With more than 2 million occasions of service provided, we have helped thousands of young people get vital support through our 100+ national headspace centres, online services and clinical programs across Australia.(5)

My hair will be dyed blue for Mental Health week and I will use my newfound blue-haired-visibility (it sounds like a superpower!) to start conversations about mental health, promote services and educational resources.

Please be inspired and join me with increasing the talk within your circles about mental health. Educate yourself, check in with your friends and colleagues by asking “R U OK?”, paint your nails blue/wear a blue ribbon...or jump on board and dye your hair blue with me!

A HUGE THANK YOU in advance for your support.
Please keep in touch by following me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/GoingblueforMentalHealth/?hl=en


1. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/life-expectancy-death/deaths-in-australia/contents/leading-causes-of-death

2. Black Dog Institute: https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/docs/default-source/factsheets/facts_figures.pdf?sfvrsn=8

3. BeyondBlue: National Mental Health Survey of Doctors and Medical Students. www.beyondblue.org.au/docs/default-source/research-project-files/bl1148-report---nmhdmss-exec-summary_web.pdf?sfvrsn=4

4. https://beyondblue-bash.cdn.prismic.io/beyondblue-bash%2Faf243326-36d0-4108-888a-ca06e9a2af8e_beyond+blue+fundraising+kit.pdf

5. https://headspace.org.au/about-us/who-we-are/

I'm raising funds for


My Cause Gift Fund for Beyond Blue and headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Funds donated to the My Cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Headspace and beyondblue. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.

About Fundraiser

Sonja Arthur

Brunswick, VIC

Thu, 14 Nov 2019

Catelyn Richards

$ 35
Wed, 6 Nov 2019

Sunshine Emergency Department

$ 50
Sat, 2 Nov 2019

Jenni Hastings

$ 50

So proud of you and this campaign! The blue hair looks fantastic too.

Fri, 25 Oct 2019

Sophie Dunn

$ 25

What an inspiration - go Sonja!

Thu, 24 Oct 2019

Loc Tran

$ 50
Tue, 22 Oct 2019

Karen Swan

$ 20

Blue suits you Sonja. ❤️ Pleased to see you have exceeded your goal

Tue, 22 Oct 2019

Lucy Johnston

$ 20

So proud of you Sonja! You’re a champ for supporting this great cause so strongly.

Mon, 21 Oct 2019

Susan Paul

$ 100

Well done Sonja - what a great cause and amazing fundraising effort

Mon, 21 Oct 2019

Georgie McAuley

$ 50

Very proud of you Sonj!!!

Mon, 21 Oct 2019


$ 100

SINCE Sep 2019



$5,800 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


My Cause Gift Fund for Beyond Blue and headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Funds donated to the My Cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Headspace and beyondblue. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.

About Fundraiser

Sonja Arthur

Brunswick, VIC

SINCE Sep 2019

