
Buxton Real Estate Group


$6,416 raised

TARGET $15,000

Please support this cause

Buxton are proud supporters of the Love Me Love You foundation and are committed to helping raise awareness of the importance of mental health, whilst reducing the number of suicides in Australian youths.

A company whose culture is underpinned by mateship and support, Buxton use the March with Me event as a catalyst to strengthen the bond between staff so that they truly live the tenet, ‘no one travels their journey alone’.

60kms of sweat, tears and the occasional blister provides a tremendous platform to create conversations and share stories. The ultimate benefit is the money raised from the event assists in getting Love Me Love You speakers into schools and sporting clubs where they can have a direct impact on the youths of today.

You can sponsor us and leave a message by selecting the donate button above.

Thanks so much for supporting our efforts in raising money for this cause!

Fundraising For


Never Alone (Love Me Love You)

Love Me Love You is a non-profit organisation that strives to empower and build resilience in young adults so that they may overcome the stigma surrounding mental health and other life hardships.

Buxton Real Estate Group

Tue, 26 Mar 2019

Real Time Agent

$ 52.5

Well Done to the team at Buxton!

Mon, 25 Mar 2019


$ 210

You have taken on a noble cause that will benefit more people than just your immediate family. Well done.

Mon, 25 Mar 2019

Pete Mentiplay

$ 52.5

Well done mate! Awesome effort to support an important cause!

Sun, 24 Mar 2019

Talia Mansell

$ 31.5

Amazing efforts hubby ❤️

Sun, 24 Mar 2019

Nathan Davey

$ 50
Sun, 24 Mar 2019

Jade Ingleby

$ 31.5

Good luck!

Sun, 24 Mar 2019

Kate Dal-en

$ 52.5
Sun, 24 Mar 2019

Kate Dal-Ben

$ 52.5
Sat, 23 Mar 2019

Christine Tyson

$ 105

Good luck Branna. Well done for your effort and community service.

Sat, 23 Mar 2019

Danni Dragojevic

$ 20

CREATOR Micka Mania

SINCE Feb 2019



20+ donations

$6,416 raised

TARGET $15,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For


Never Alone (Love Me Love You)

Love Me Love You is a non-profit organisation that strives to empower and build resilience in young adults so that they may overcome the stigma surrounding mental health and other life hardships.

CREATOR Micka Mania

SINCE Feb 2019



20+ donations