My Dog Toby

$0 raised

TARGET $8,000

Please support this cause



Hello everyone. As most of you know, I took over care of a young blue heeler pup named Toby. Since we have had him, we have had some major complications with him eating and keeping his food down. This lead to him not gaining much weight and always regurgitating his food. So finally after many test and x-rays we have figured out what is wrong with our little guy. Toby has been diagnosed with a vascular ring anomaly. Basically some blood vessels that should of essentially retracted when he was born didn’t and are causing a stricter on his esophagus and making it to wear he can’t pass food down to his tummy properly and ends up regurgitating it. If not corrected, it can get worse and cause fatal consequences. So we need to get it done pretty soon. The surgery itself can cost up to 6,000 not including any of the other tests we have already done. So today I’m asking for 8,000 to cover all medical cost and surgery for Toby as we can not afford this. Any little bit helps and we would be so grateful. Thank you for your time.

Fundraising For

Toby Thornton

We are raising funds for my dog Toby who needs a surgery to correct a vascular ring anomaly.

Funds Banked To

Taylor Thornton


Campaign Creator

Taylor Thornton

United States

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Dec 2018



$0 raised

TARGET $8,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Toby Thornton

We are raising funds for my dog Toby who needs a surgery to correct a vascular ring anomaly.

Funds Banked To

Taylor Thornton


Campaign Creator

Taylor Thornton

United States

SINCE Dec 2018

