Health Australia Party - election fundraiser

$1,005 raised
GOAL $8,964
16 donations
since Oct 2018

Our Country, Our Health, Our Economy, Our Environment, Our Society, Our Democracy, Our Families.

LET'S STAND TOGETHER to create a truly Healthy Australia.

If you’d like to support the Health Australia Party’s efforts to create much needed change in politics, please consider a tax-deductible donation to help fund our election campaign.

Why do we need funds?

The Health Australia Party does not receive funding or accept donations from vested interests or lobbyist groups, we rely on membership fees and donations from the public to cover day-to-day expenses and election campaign costs. Your donation will contribute towards the following minimum campaign costs:

Candidate nomination fees: $5600

Printing of election signs (corflutes): $1189

Branded T-shirts for election day: $2178

= $8964


All donations, great or small, will significantly assist in strengthening our efforts to support and promote a genuinely healthier Australia.

If you’d like your contribution to be used towards the campaign of one specific candidate, please specify their name when making your donation. 

Thank you.

Health Australia Party


Authorised by Andrew Hicks, L13, 114 William St, Melbourne, Vic, 3000.

$1,005 raised
GOAL $8,964
16 donations
since Oct 2018
Fundraising for
Health Australia Party
The Health Australia Party (HAP) is a true centre party committed to promoting open and transparent Government decision making, balance and honesty of information, and stimulating individual freedom of choice and thought – to ensure we have a genuinely Healthy Australia.

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