Hi, my name is Courtney and I am currently completing a Bachelor of Teaching (primary) at the University of Newcastle. I am lucky to be a part of the international volunteer abroad program and will be travelling to Zimbabwe in September/October 2018, where I will be undertaking volunteer work in primary schools.
A major issue and barrier to education in Zimbabwe, is that young women of menstruating age do not have access to much needed sanitary items. Due to this they often miss school during their period, and have to create makeshift pads out of tree bark, paper, leaves and even cow dung! This intern leads to an absenteeism (missing school) of around 50/280 school days, as well as significant health concerns due to unhygienic means of managing their period. Additionally, these young girls endure embarrassment and bullying.
My sister Brittany and myself are fund raising to take an extra bag (or multiple if possible) to Zimbabwe in September full of sanitary items and underwear. If you were able to donate any amount to go towards this that would be SO appreciated and make a significant difference to these young women's lives!
Good job girls! Xo