Help get Tim back on his feet

$0 raised

TARGET $22,000

Please support this cause



My generosity has been taken advantage of and I've fallen on hard times. Unfortunately I was too generous to my ex wife after out separation and she has left me in a deep financial hole.

Two years ago I went through a separation from the mother of my children. Everything was quite amicable and in an effort to keep things like that and help her out because she wasn't working I bought her a car and furniture. With the expectation she would get a job and take over the payments I was happy to fund these for her out of the generosity of my heart. We share the children 50/50 however despite this I have a large Child Support payment to make every month and on top of all the repayments and hoping she would gain employment I was paying for everything on a credit card. Once I came to the realisation that I couldn't sustain this financial burden I made the decision to stop the car payments and asked she help or sell the car. Instead of doing either of these she got her father to buy her another car and then left the new car with loan in my name yet registered in her name at my house for me to deal with. I cannot sell this car for enough to pay out the loan so therefore I am stuck with it. I'm now paying down a $6000 furniture bill, a $20,000 car loan and $22,000 credit card. I am asking for help to raise the $22,000 to clear the credit card so that I can put my total repayments into paying of the car loan and furniture personal loan sooner.

Fundraising For

Tim Oakes

Funds Banked To

Tim Oakes

Campaign Creator

Tim Oakes

Loganholme, QLD

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Jun 2018



$0 raised

TARGET $22,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Tim Oakes

Funds Banked To

Tim Oakes

Campaign Creator

Tim Oakes

Loganholme, QLD

SINCE Jun 2018

