$19,592 raised

TARGET $18,000

Please support this cause



We are aiming to raise money for HODS - a charity raising awareness for the importance of organ donations.


If we, as a community raise $10,000, 4 of our teachers will become students for a day.

Four people who raise the most money from high school will get the opportunity to compete for a trip to Israel next June and from Primary school, will get the opportunity to compete for free canteen food for a week.

Fundraising For

Halachic Organ Donation Society

To save lives by increasing organ donations from Jews to the general population (Jews and non-Jews alike). https://hods.org

Funds Banked To

Moriah War Memorial College Association


Campaign Creator

Moriah College

Queens Park, NSW

Tue, 29 May 2018

Ariella Spyrides

$ 100
Mon, 28 May 2018

Jerry Tylman

$ 200
Mon, 28 May 2018

Dave Goldbach

$ 30

Jenna Oberstein Yr 12

Sun, 27 May 2018

Gary Perlstein

$ 180

Well done - amazing - Love Perlstein Family

Fri, 25 May 2018

David Lazarus

$ 100

Kol Havakod. Moriah rocks. Mia Lazarus year 10.

Fri, 25 May 2018

gary Vidor

$ 200

Josh Fischl your a star ! Gary and Anat

Fri, 25 May 2018

Julia Singer

$ 100
Fri, 25 May 2018

Juli Wiseman

$ 54
Fri, 25 May 2018

Tamara Leizer

$ 72
Thu, 24 May 2018


$ 72

SINCE May 2018



$19,592 raised

TARGET $18,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Halachic Organ Donation Society

To save lives by increasing organ donations from Jews to the general population (Jews and non-Jews alike). https://hods.org

Funds Banked To

Moriah War Memorial College Association


Campaign Creator

Moriah College

Queens Park, NSW

SINCE May 2018

