Catholic in 60 Seconds new equipment drive

$100 raised

TARGET $1,000

Please support this cause



I produce my own podcast. For anyone that's been involved in podcasting before, you'd know how time-consuming this kind of work can be but how rewarding it is to produce quality content. To produce quality content, however, quality equipment is needed. The equipment I use is very basic. I'm finding now that the laptop I purchased for personal use in 2013 isn't cutting the mustard. It's time for an upgrade.

I could go the other way and start charging people to listen to and/or subscribe to my podcast, but that personally does not sit well with me. You shouldn't have to pay money to learn and know the truth.

My podcast 'Catholic in 60 Seconds' is driven by passion. I don't make any money by committing myself to this work. All it costs me is my time. I do, however, want to continue making high quality episodes and do so for a long time coming. Thus, as alluded to earlier, an upgrade to my equipment is needed. I need:

- a new computer with more storage space, faster processing, and better onboard audio hardware
- a professional quality microphone
- professional recording software (the free stuff is okay, but it's limited)

I'm relying solely on your generosity. Please prayerfully consider making a contribution.

Yours in Christ,

Stephen Spiteri
Catholic in 60 Seconds

Fundraising For

Catholic in 60 Seconds

I produce my own podcast. For anyone that's been involved in podcasting before, you'd know how time-consuming this kind of work can be but how rewarding it is to produce quality content. To produce quality content, however, quality equipment is needed. The equipment I use is very basic. I'm finding

Funds Banked To

Stephen Spiteri

Campaign Creator

Stephen Spiteri

Kingsley, WA

Wed, 11 Apr 2018

Alexander Torres

$ 100

May the word of God, truth, and justice always be your light, and may he who is I am always use you as an instrument of his will. God bless

SINCE Apr 2018



$100 raised

TARGET $1,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Catholic in 60 Seconds

I produce my own podcast. For anyone that's been involved in podcasting before, you'd know how time-consuming this kind of work can be but how rewarding it is to produce quality content. To produce quality content, however, quality equipment is needed. The equipment I use is very basic. I'm finding

Funds Banked To

Stephen Spiteri

Campaign Creator

Stephen Spiteri

Kingsley, WA

SINCE Apr 2018

