I've been putting it off, but I’ve (eeeek!) finally registered for The Chocolate Block Challenge which means I will give up chocolate for the entire month of March. Aaaaah! BUT my huge sacrifice is supporting a great cause - and a cause close to my heart. My uncle died of Alzheimer's at just 64 years of age and a dear family friend died from it last year. I'm keen to support Alzheimer's WA by raising money through The Chocolate Block Challenge, but I need your help to survive this chocolate agony!.
Please just give whatever you can (even $5 - it all adds up!) by clicking the "Donate Now" button. The more people that know about Alzheimer's WA, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my chocolate block with your family and friends. In advance, I am very sorry for all the things I say or do while I’m choc-deprived, but I appreciate your support. It means a lot!
Well done, love Mum