Walk to Everest for A-T

$4,560 raised

TARGET $40,000

Please support this cause



Walk to Everest for A-T has been formed by a group of close mates in Wagga Wagga to raise awareness and much needed funds for BrAshA-T, a not for profit foundation in Australia working towards finding life improving therapies and a cure for Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T).

Jeff and Carly Millar had never heard of Ataxia-Telangiectasia until 18 months ago when they were told by doctors that they believed their son Charlie had the rare genetic disorder. Devastated and in disbelief they would later learn that their little girl Zara, was also born with A-T.
We will be doing the 12 day trek from Kathmandu to Mt Everest Base Camp in November to raise money, the trek will be hard but not as hard as what potentially lies ahead for Charlie (4yrs), his sister Zara (2yrs), and the other 30-40 children in Australia living with A-T.

What is A-T?

Ataxia-Telangiectasia is a rare, progressive neurodegenerative disease causing severe disability.
It is a disease that and has the combined symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, Immune system deficiencies and a high rate of Cancer.

The prognosis?

A-T is presently incurable and unrelenting. If they are lucky enough not to develop Cancer, most A-T children will be dependent on wheelchairs by the age of ten, not because their muscles are too weak, but because they cannot control them. Later A-T patients usually die from respiratory failure or Cancer by their early to mid-twenties.

There is a cure out there, we just need to find it!!!

We Thank you in advance for your generosity, it is greatly appreciated!!

Ted, Brett, Tom, Will, Isaac, Jack, PK, AK, Conner, Dylan and Jeff

**BrAshA-T is a fully voluntary charity which is funding some exciting and innovative research projects.
They also provide a clinic that is held twice a year based in Brisbane and is open to all A-T patients in Australia. It provides patients and families the opportunity to consult with world-renowned experts, specialists and researchers in A-T. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for families to get together and share personal knowledge, understanding and support with each other.**

BrAshA-T gives families like the Millar's hope for a brighter future

I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for BrAshA-T

Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to BrAshA-T. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.


About Fundraiser

Carly Millar

Lake Albert, NSW

Fri, 2 Mar 2018

Kathryn Ogden

$ 50

May small donations help find a cure !

Fri, 2 Mar 2018

John & Kerry Smeeth

$ 200
Fri, 2 Mar 2018

Tim Smeeth

$ 100
Thu, 1 Mar 2018

Benjamin Raulston

$ 20
Thu, 1 Mar 2018

Andrew Burling

$ 400

Hoping for a cure soon, Andrew Nicole and Archie.

Thu, 1 Mar 2018

Melissa Martin

$ 200
Thu, 1 Mar 2018

Courtney Hunter

$ 100

Best of luck guys

Thu, 1 Mar 2018

Rebecca and Dean Neil

$ 100

Good luck on your trek Jeff.

Thu, 1 Mar 2018

Kate Ogden

$ 25

Love, prayers and strength to you all xxx

Wed, 28 Feb 2018

Madellin Gray

$ 20

SINCE Feb 2018



$4,560 raised

TARGET $40,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for

My Cause Gift Fund for BrAshA-T

Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to BrAshA-T. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.

About Fundraiser

Carly Millar

Lake Albert, NSW

SINCE Feb 2018

