Two words come to mind when embarking on a venture such as this. Crazy and Crazier.
After the success of the boys doing the “Ride for Chloe” and us girls not wanting not feel left out, we crazily embarked on the idea of doing a BIG long walk to do our bit to help the children suffering VWM disease.
Over our latte and avo toast, after our pleasant 5 km stroll on our Saturday morning walkies, Emily, Angela, Zoe and I came up with the idea that 100 girls could walk 100 kilometres, in the hope to raise $100,000.00
Sounds crazy enough to me, yep.... I’m in! And the crazier part is, let’s do this over two days.
I have been blessed with a healthy child and being a mother brings with it all kinds of emotion. I feel pain, happiness, joy, pride and at times disappointment, but the one thing I do have is time.
I hope by doing this walk we can buy time, time for the Saxby Family to find a cure, time for all the children with VWM and their families.
They say what doesn’t challenge you doesn’t change you.
Well I am challenging myself..... And I hope this changes lives.....
My goal is to train hard, do this walk and hopefully raise $2000 to help raise funds so Chloe and these families can find a cure and time.
Well done on making the 100km's for such a great cause. Noel & Bev