In memory of Charlie SALVO

$1,793 raised


Please support this cause



A HeavenAddress memorial page

Born in Wentworthville on 10 March 1968
Passed away in Westmead on 15 November 2017
Late of Wentworthville
Aged 49 years

I'm raising funds for


Pancare Foundation

Pancare Foundation is fighting pancreatic cancer. Our purpose is to increase survival and provide support to people affected by pancreatic cancer and other upper gastrointestinal cancers.


About Fundraiser

Georgia Salvo

Wed, 13 Dec 2017

Marina & Graziano

$ 200

Charlie you have touched the lives of so many people with your positive and cheerful outlook , you will be remembered with love and affection by all of us . May you Rest in Peace with your beautiful Angel Spadola & Pavani Families

Mon, 4 Dec 2017

Santo Salvo

$ 50

To our loving Son Charlie we love you and miss you so much. Always in our hearts Lots of love Mum and Dad

Sat, 2 Dec 2017

Letty Mufale

$ 50

You were strong, and I hope that with further research others do not have to suffer this horrible disease.

Thu, 30 Nov 2017

samuel mclean

$ 100

To Judith, Georgia, Kasey & Sophie We were saddened to hear of Charlie's passing. Remembering you in thought and prayer. From the McLean family.

Tue, 28 Nov 2017

Frances Mufale

$ 100

Charlie you will be in our hearts forever. xx

Tue, 28 Nov 2017

Velma, Mark & Danielle

$ 50

To Judith, Georgia, Kasey and Sophie We were very sorry to hear of Charlies passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. May he rest in peace. Love Velma, Mark & Danielle

Tue, 28 Nov 2017

Fam. Sebastiano Mufale, Fam. Salvatore Mufale, Zia Maria, Cugina Melina, Cugina Graziella, Cugina Mela, Cugino Tindaro, Zio Pepp

$ 313

Ci uniamo al dolore per la perdita di Charlie: Fam. Sebastiano Mufale, Fam. Salvatore Mufale, Zia Maria, Cugina Melina, Cugina Graziella, Cugina Mela, Cugino Tindaro, Zio Peppino, Cugina Franca e Bruno, Zio Domenico, Nino Isgrò e figlie, Zio Carmelo Rappazzo e figli, Jonny Grillo

Thu, 23 Nov 2017

Martin & Sindy Viney

$ 50

In loving memory of our hardworking friend Charlie Salvo

Thu, 23 Nov 2017

Angela Russo

$ 20

Dear Judith, Georgia, Kasey and Sophie Commare Carmelina and compare Santo Mim and family Our deepest condolences on the loss of your beautiful and loving Charlie a life tragically lived too short. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all Love Angela and Phillip Russo

Thu, 23 Nov 2017

Ninetta Barbagallo

$ 20

Dear Judith, Georgia, Kasey and Sophie Commare Carmelina, Compare Santo, Mim and family Deepest condolences on the sad loss of your beloved Charlie Commare Ninetta Barbagallo

SINCE Nov 2017



$1,793 raised


Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Pancare Foundation

Pancare Foundation is fighting pancreatic cancer. Our purpose is to increase survival and provide support to people affected by pancreatic cancer and other upper gastrointestinal cancers.

About Fundraiser

Georgia Salvo

SINCE Nov 2017

