
Cambodian Crocodile Conservation Programme


$1,505 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause

Over the past one hundred years, habitat destruction and hunting have eradicated the Siamese crocodile from 99 per cent of its historical range throughout South East Asia. Only around 250 adult Siamese crocodiles remain in the wild, chiefly in the remotest highlands of Cambodia. Fauna and Flora International (FFI, http://www.fauna-flora.org/) is working with remote Cambodian villages in the south-western Cardamom Mountains to protect crocodiles by teaming human and material resources to benefit both the Siamese crocodiles and their human neighbors.

The goal, simply stated, is to save the world’s rarest crocodile while improving the food security and income of impoverished Cambodians in a sustainable, culturally appropriate, and environmentally sound fashion. FFI uses a variety of techniques to accomplish this goal, including: wildlife monitoring; training of community wardens and anti-poaching patrols; improvement of agricultural practices; development of agroforestry; initiating co-operative marketing of renewable natural resources; and raising awareness of crocodile and wetland conservation benefits in local, national, and international media.

When we push our barrow up Mt Buffalo we are raising money to support the role of community crocodile wardens and their associated villages. The money will be distributed by FFI.

Fundraising For

Cambodian Crocodile Conservation Programme

Over the past one hundred years, habitat destruction and hunting have eradicated the Siamese crocodile from 99 per cent of its historical range throughout South East Asia. Only around 250 adult Siamese crocodiles remain in the wild, chiefly in the remotest highlands of Cambodia.

Wed, 1 Nov 2017

Denis Work mates

$ 155

Thanks for the donations to team Croc On - from Denis's work mates

Thu, 26 Oct 2017

Nicola Gillies

$ 20

Totally amazing! And slightly crazy Eric. haha. Well done :)

Mon, 23 Oct 2017

WAW Credit Union

$ 100

WAW Credit Union Award - The most obscure Cause The champions of Cambodian Crocodile Conservation!

Sun, 22 Oct 2017


$ 30
Fri, 20 Oct 2017

Ian & Liz McInerney

$ 60

Happy wheel barrowing

Fri, 20 Oct 2017

Jessica Davison

$ 50

Good luck Paul and team. Jessica

Fri, 20 Oct 2017

Martin Prebble

$ 50

Go croc on

Fri, 20 Oct 2017


$ 25

Pleased it's you and not me doing this one! Well done and enjoy the beers at the finishing line!

Thu, 19 Oct 2017

Harald Roesch

$ 50
Thu, 19 Oct 2017

Matt Stroud

$ 20

Push hard son

CREATOR Paul McInerney

SINCE Sep 2017



50% raised
20+ donations

$1,505 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Cambodian Crocodile Conservation Programme

Over the past one hundred years, habitat destruction and hunting have eradicated the Siamese crocodile from 99 per cent of its historical range throughout South East Asia. Only around 250 adult Siamese crocodiles remain in the wild, chiefly in the remotest highlands of Cambodia.

CREATOR Paul McInerney

SINCE Sep 2017



50% raised
20+ donations