Christine Kay -Local Council Elections- St Ives Ward- Ku-ring-gai

$150 raised

TARGET $8,000

Please support this cause



Ku-ring-gai My Place.... St Ives My Home..

Everyone has a story…. this is some of mine

When I told people I was thinking of going into the political world. They either replied with.. Wow that is great? Or Why would you want to do that?
Having lost both of my parents before the age of 40. The community had become more important to me over that last few years. They became my family.

‘My Community is My family”

Strangely enough it was about 2 years ago, that I remember what my Dad had said to me before he passed…. “Why don’t you become a politician” I responded with “ I don’t think so. They are all corrupt and are about lining their own pockets, but I suppose you do get a decent amount to retire on” He responded.. “They are not all like that. You be the one of the ones that isn’t” He must of known something I didn’t ….. Looking back over the years I was always the one that lead focus groups at work ,always standing up for people that were getting treated like a doormat or bullied. It was always about being the voice of the people.

All our lives we look for somewhere to call home, where you feel you belong… having lost my family I have found my family in St Ives within Ku-ring-gai, with like minded people with a sense of community spirit where I feel comfortable and safe…. Why would I not want to give back to a community that has given me so much??…..

My name Is Christine Kay. I live in St Ives, which is located in the council area of Ku-ring-gai. I am passionate about helping the community and hope to make a real difference. I am community minded and have been involved with a number of local community groups including Girl Guides, Hornsby - Ku-ring-gai Womens Shelter and Toastmasters. I have fundraised for a number of charity groups including RSPCA, The heart Research Institute, Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation and Kidzwish

Why am I raising funds?

To help with my election campaign expenses and show transparency.

We really have a country with amazing support and community spirit....passion will always shine through. Anything is possible...with a little gumption...

Someone asked me, many years ago. What is your legacy?

My response..... To Inspire others...

What do I want to achieve?

• Working with the community to achieve a balance between new infrastructure & preserving the natural heritage of Ku-ring-gai. Once it is gone..It is Gone....
• Keep out community safe and family oriented.
• Invest in more sporting facilities & family friendly areas. More Footpaths, More street lighting
Improve traffic flow & congestion through Ku-ring-gai
• Advocate for a bus route from St Ives to Chatswood & safe entry and exit points during events for St Ives Showground & Wildflower Gardens

Being a voice for my community is a way of looking after the community that looked after me. My Community My Family...

This is in memory of my father. Who taught me independence... He always told me to do your best and follow your dreams....

Thank you all so much for your support :)

Fundraising For

Christine Kay

My Community My Family. Raising Money for campaign communication to be able to be a voice for the community that became my Family.

Funds Banked To

Christine Kay

Campaign Creator

Christine Kay

St Ives, NSW

Thu, 17 Aug 2017

Ang Roels

$ 150

SINCE Aug 2017



$150 raised

TARGET $8,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Christine Kay

My Community My Family. Raising Money for campaign communication to be able to be a voice for the community that became my Family.

Funds Banked To

Christine Kay

Campaign Creator

Christine Kay

St Ives, NSW

SINCE Aug 2017

