Xinyu Yuan a precious Year 8 student of our school and her mother, Ma Li Dai tragically lost their lives when driver, who had been seen weaving through traffic, smashed into their car as they left LCCC on Wednesday night.
They were leaving parent-teacher interviews at Lighthouse Christian College Cranbourne when their Toyota was struck by another car.
They were pulling out of the car park, about to turn onto the South Gippsland Highway near Devon Road, when they were hit.
Our community including Xinyu's father and family are distraught over this tragic loss. "It's a life gone and the father is devastated. It was his only daughter".
Please consider making a donation to assist the family with funeral arrangements at this time.
We are deeply saddened by the tragic crash last night for our student Xinyu Yuan and her mother. Funds will go toward funeral costs and a memorial in their memory.
We are deeply saddened by the tragic crash last night for our student Xinyu Yuan and her mother. Funds will go toward funeral costs and a memorial in their memory.
哥林多後書 1:3-5 愿颂赞归于神——我们主耶稣基督的父!他是各样怜悯的父、一切安慰的神。在我们一切的患难中,他安慰我们,使我们自己能用从神所受的安慰去安慰那些在各样患难中的人, 因为基督的苦难怎样充充满满临到我们,藉着基督,我们的安慰也照样充充满满。