Kate Frost passed away on 5th July 2017. Her whole life had been focused on looking after children and babies - starting with her younger brothers, moving on to Quarriers, Barnados, Family Day Care, Waitara Children's Centre... and of course her own children. Her last baby was her 'baby's baby' - her grandson Owen :)
Kate was firm and passionate believer in the importance of early and primary aged childhood intervention and the first 5 years of a child's life. These two charities are small but have a big impact on Children's lives.
Gunawirra provides services and programs for Young Aboriginal Mothers and Babies, through to 5 years old to help break the cycle of abuse and neglect in some communities.
My Cause Gift Fund for Cottage by the Sea Queenscliff
I'm raising funds for
My Cause Gift Fund for Cottage by the Sea Queenscliff
Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Cottage by the Sea Queenscliff. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.
Gunawirra, a not-for-profit PBI organisation made up of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal professionals working side by side for fundamental improvements in the life of Aboriginal families, their infants and children.
About Fundraiser
Kylie Robin
Buckaroo, NSW
Mon, 28 Aug 2017
Marion Giddings
$ 216
Thinking of you, we all miss you so much - Ros, Marion, Gillian, Maureen, Rory, Pam & Jill.
Tue, 25 Jul 2017
Becca Boyd
$ 20
Auntie Kate, one of a kind xx
Sun, 23 Jul 2017
Kylie Robin
$ 129
Additional from the Haldanes, Boyds and Quinns :)
Sun, 23 Jul 2017
Kylie Robin
$ 200
Donation from The Haldanes, The Quinns, Hugh & Anne Boyd and Tom & Helena Boyd
Fri, 21 Jul 2017
Justine Stanivuk
$ 50
Wonderful memories of our beautiful Auntie Kate. Love from Nick, Justine, Milan & Aleksandar.
Tue, 18 Jul 2017
Kylie Roberts-Frost
$ 70
Donation given at Kate's funeral
Tue, 18 Jul 2017
Lindsay Frost
$ 50
Tue, 18 Jul 2017
$ 50
Tue, 18 Jul 2017
Betty, Eddie and family
$ 40
Happy memories, remember you always. Betty, Eddie and family.
Mon, 17 Jul 2017
Deborah Sprigg
$ 50
Kate, you were the life of any gathering! You will be remembered fondly xx
My Cause Gift Fund for Cottage by the Sea Queenscliff
I'm raising funds for
My Cause Gift Fund for Cottage by the Sea Queenscliff
Funds donated to the My cause Gift Fund will be disbursed to Cottage by the Sea Queenscliff. The trustees will always disburse funds to the nominated cause, however in the case that that is not possible, the funds will be disbursed to a DGR charity at the trustees discretion.
Gunawirra, a not-for-profit PBI organisation made up of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal professionals working side by side for fundamental improvements in the life of Aboriginal families, their infants and children.
Thinking of you, we all miss you so much - Ros, Marion, Gillian, Maureen, Rory, Pam & Jill.