I am taking part in this year’s Australia’s CEO Challenge Race, for the third consecutive year, to end violence in our homes and workplaces.
My position on domestic and family violence is clear. We must do everything we can to eliminate it from our community, support those who are impacted and build a culture that promotes safe, inclusive and equitable workplaces.
As a devoted family man and father of two children, I want to see my daughter and son grow up in a world where domestic violence is an issue of the past and is replaced by communities that foster and enjoy respectful relationships.
In recognition of my position to create positive change, I want to give this issue the prominence it deserves in the broader community and I’m asking for your support.
To play my part, I will be building awareness and raising money for this important issue from May until November this year. With the support of the community, I am confident to reach my fundraising target of $17,500. Please support whatever you can using the 'donate now' button.
The more people who know about Australia’s CEO Challenge and this meaningful cause, the greater the impact, so please spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.
Thank you for your support, your generosity is greatly appreciated and will make a difference.
$75.00 from Maryborough csc - proceeds of second hand book sale