My Name is Chris

$12,240 raised

TARGET $30,000

Please support this cause



Chris was first diagnosed with Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma over 9 years ago. He has endured several different chemotherapies, immune therapies, radiotherapies, autologous stem cell transplant, allogenic stem cell transplant and a Donor Lymphocyte Infusion. He has been through hell and this latest battle has been the toughest for he and his family.

Chris has been married to Naomi for 15 years, and they have two children - Tomas (6) and Liam (3). This cancer has taken him away from his family and caused immense emotional and physical pain.

Chris relapsed again late last year - they were warned it was a possibility two days before Christmas. He has endured several infections, many hospitalisations and incredible amounts of pain this year. Currently he is in hospital fighting several infections, including in the eye and brain.

This fundraiser is set up to help Chris continue to fund his battle - he is unable to work which makes it difficult to not only meet the medical expenses, but the day to day living expenses. Chris will also require certain equipment when he comes home due to the changes he has gone through with this current fight.

Chris' mates and the community of Griffith came together in April to create Burgers in the Park which kicked off the fundraising, which has continued thanks to Ar'e Abera with Zumba May Days and his dirtbike mates have created a ride in his honour just to raise funds. We are overwhelmed with support and thank everyone for their help and donations.

You can read more about Chris and his fight at or by liking the facebook page

Fundraising For

Christopher Brugger

Chris is in the fight of his life - his 5th battle with Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma

Funds Banked To

N Brugger Fundraising

Campaign Creator

Naomi Brugger

Griffith, NSW

Sat, 5 Aug 2017

Marian Sergi-VanHeel

$ 20

CityToSurf-Marian Sergi-VanHeel

Tue, 25 Jul 2017

City to Surf- Taylor family

$ 60

City to Surf- Taylor family

Fri, 21 Jul 2017

Lorena McDuff

$ 25

Sydney City to Surf- Lorena McDuff

Thu, 18 May 2017


$ 50
Fri, 12 May 2017

Inter Loper

$ 30

Your courage is inspirational.

Tue, 9 May 2017


$ 100

All the best mate. Keep on fighting it. Phil from DBW.

Tue, 9 May 2017


$ 100
Tue, 9 May 2017

Christian Gibson

$ 150

Without even knowing you Chris, the community spirit on DBW shown to you guys tells us all we need to know - you are an awesome family doing it tough. Keep fighting & there's a lot of people thinking about you. Christian Gibson - katokonvert.

Mon, 8 May 2017


$ 5
Sun, 7 May 2017

Martin Brugger

$ 500

Wish you all the best in this hard time.

SINCE May 2017



$12,240 raised

TARGET $30,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Christopher Brugger

Chris is in the fight of his life - his 5th battle with Classical Hodgkins Lymphoma

Funds Banked To

N Brugger Fundraising

Campaign Creator

Naomi Brugger

Griffith, NSW

SINCE May 2017

