People don’t like to talk about it but the fact is that Pregnancy and Infant Loss will almost certainly have touched someone you know. It could be your friend, your colleague or a family member, it could even be you.
It’s affected us and that’s why we want to do something to help. We’re fundraising to help the charity ‘Bears of Hope’. This charity provides support, acknowledgement, information and guidance to families going through the hell of losing their baby.
To help support this vital support network we’ll be taking part in the Miss Muddy obstacle course on Saturday, 21 October 2017 at The International Regatta Centre, Penrith. It’s bound to be a fun and challenging experience and we’re really looking forward to getting our mud on for the Bears of Hope!
If you’d like to support what is likely to be a hilarious attempt at obstacle course excellence and give money to this amazing, essential charity please sponsor us and help us to reach our muddy bear goal!
In loving memory of Cynthia' s beautiful baby girl