
Jess Cycles?

$350 raised


Please support this cause

Thanks for visiting my Cycle for Humanity's Fundraising Page. Cycling is a new, terrifying but hopefully empowering adventure for me. Although I was very graciously given my very first bicycle by my sister Anne in 2014, it really turned to out to be useful for her as a cycle commuter, until she left to work with Bicycles for Humanity in Namibia in 2015, where it then rusted outside my sharehouse. I've since bought my own bicycle, and have ridden to work once (just two weeks ago) with Anne (9km one way, and then happily in the back seat of a car the other) whereas Anne rides to and from work everyday! I don't know how we are so different, but I'm so glad to be pushed to do more, think more, help more, understand more, and most importantly glad to more aware, to know the massive importance of only supporting transparent organisations that have a track record of supporting and implementing projects that are socially conscious.

Anne's been volunteering with Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne since 2013 and is now a member of their board. I've only come to know a small portion of the incredible work that they do, which includes empowering communities by providing sustainable transport options. It's 100% volunteer run and the behind the scenes business is just as important as the work done overseas. A bicycle is not just one way to keep fit, or get from A to B, but it can also allow communties to grow by increasing the total volume of a product to be transported to the market to sell, increasing profits, encouraging and furthering education through added transport as well as many other benefits of the flexibility of having even one bicycle in one household.

So, (thanks to Anne) for month of March I will ride 110kms on my push bike (though we even have a stationary bike at home). If 100 other people do this too, we will cover 11,100kms, the distance between Melbourne to Namibia, where most of the container load of bikes are sent.

I would appreciate any sponsorship, donation or encouragement (in the form sponsorship or donation), but would also like to encourage friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances (everyone) to join in, sign up as a team or individual and fundraise! 110km isn't that far!! There are prizes for anyone who signs up and fundraises at least $110 and a ridiculously awesome prize for the person who raises the most money. (Cycling trip overseas, anyone?)

Every dollar donated goes directly towards buying the container and shipping the bikes donated to B4H. If you have any sturdy mountain bikes or hybrids bikes that aren't in use, they can also be donated to any Bicycle Superstore.

It costs $20 to get one bike to a new home and donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Thank you so much for your support.

Fundraising For


Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne

Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) Melbourne is a 100% grass roots movement. As a for purpose charity, we support aid works in Namibia through bicycle donations collected by volunteers in Melbourne. Empowering communities one bicycle at a time by improving access to health care, education and employment.

Sun, 16 Apr 2017

Ariane Tuapola

$ 20

Good job sis!

Sun, 16 Apr 2017


$ 15

Go Jess!

Thu, 23 Mar 2017

Chester Villanueva

$ 50

Proud of you and Ate Anne! Keep peddlin' girls! Hope to bike with you guys sometime soon

Thu, 23 Mar 2017


$ 20

Go Jess! Your constant support and drive (pedaling) to help others is inspirational. Xx

Thu, 23 Mar 2017

Konnie E

$ 20

Yaaaay! Do it for Oscaaaar :3

Sat, 18 Mar 2017


$ 100
Mon, 6 Mar 2017

Daniel Millward

$ 50

Go Jess!

Mon, 6 Mar 2017


$ 10
Mon, 6 Mar 2017

Macy Chan

$ 20

from mum

Mon, 6 Mar 2017


$ 25

CREATOR Jessica Chan

SINCE Feb 2017



50% raised

$350 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For


Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne

Bicycles for Humanity (B4H) Melbourne is a 100% grass roots movement. As a for purpose charity, we support aid works in Namibia through bicycle donations collected by volunteers in Melbourne. Empowering communities one bicycle at a time by improving access to health care, education and employment.

CREATOR Jessica Chan

SINCE Feb 2017



50% raised